Today, customers demand a faster, customised service. We are aware that clients require personalised solutions and at Industrias Teixidó we place great emphasis on renewing knowledge and adapting our employees to the new demands of the market.
We work day after day to ensure our customers’ degree of satisfaction is as high as possible and we attempt to generate synergies that will allow us to move forward alongside them and establish long-lasting relationships.

Commitment to our customers doesn’t come down to chance, rather it is the result of combining quality, innovation and service.
Responsibility and trust are also fundamental aspects. They are essential to offer a service with the highest efficiency standards as well as to exceed our clients’ expectations.
We have the flexibility and reliability necessary to satisfy our customers’ demands anywhere in the world while always meeting agreed deadlines.

Industrias Teixidó, S.A.U. emerged as an auxiliary company of the metallurgy industry dedicated to the mass production of high-precision machined parts with a high level of quality.
The company is located in Riudecols in the Baix Camp region (Tarragona), 12 kilometres from Reus and 18 kilometres from the sea. Its facilities cover an area of 33,000m², of which approximately 12,000m² are built floor space.
The factory is divided across three industrial premises according to the technology applied in each. The company’s offices occupy a building next to Industrial Building III:
Industrial Building I: dedicated to turning with sliding headstock, multi-spindle and CNC lathes.
Industrial Building II: dedicated to centreless and special grinding.
Industrial Building III: dedicated to special operations with transfer machines, heat treatments and surface treatments.

50's: Founded by Artemio Teixidó in May 1952, the company began activity with four operators from Riudecols, manufacturing parts for glasses frames.
At the end of the 50s, the first application was made in its current location.
60's: Consolidation of the company
70's: First exports began.
80's: Exports reach a high level of globalisation.
Actualidad: Nowadays, the company employs around 450 people from Riudecols and surrounding towns and cities (Les Borges, Falset, Riudoms, Reus, etc.).
INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ, S.A.U. participates in the Child Vaccination Alliance, promoted by the “La Caixa” Banking Foundation in collaboration with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
Thanks to its solidarity and more than 1600 customers, it has been able to vaccinate over 2.9 million children. The Foundation’s International Area drives this Alliance, undertaking to channel all donations from participating companies and fully invest them in child vaccination and carry out suitable monitoring.
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance was founded in 2000 as a public-private partnership whose mission focuses on saving children’s lives and protecting the health of the population by improving access to vaccination in the world’s poorest countries. Since it was established, Gavi has vaccinated 540 million children and prevented 9 million premature deaths.

Industrias Teixidó clearly views staff training as a core aspect in the company’s operations. Consequently, it programmes continuing training plans for staff via specialised courses and it has its own apprentice school to train mechanics who have just joined the team.

When a new collaborator joins the company, he/she is provided with suitable training in order to achieve ideal adaptation to the job post. Firstly, risk prevention for the job post is considered, providing him/her with the knowledge necessary to attain the highest degree of safety.

The company believes in continuing training to update staff knowledge. Each year, it organises training workshops in which all staff members participate with the aim of acquiring, understanding and expanding on their professional capacities in order to tackle new technical and market requirements.
The Teixidó Group’s Code of Ethics strives to be a compilation of behavioural guidelines and standards that are expected to be obeyed by all those who comprise the organisation.
It is very important that upon reading our Code of Ethics collaborators accept its values, which are designed to be conveyed to ensure we all do things correctly.
The Teixidó Group has always been known for carrying out its business with integrity and ethics. Both values are deep-rooted in our corporate culture, along with others, such as leadership, a desire to continually improve, quality and responsibility.
All employees must be fully aware of and comply with the standards and guidelines established in our Code of Ethics with integrity. Implementation of this Code in our daily work will allow us all to make an individual contribution towards guaranteeing the correct functioning of our organisation.
It is our aim to be exemplary citizens as employees within the Teixidó Group and outside the Teixidó Group when acting on its behalf. Therefore, we are all obliged to read the Code of Ethics and assimilate what it represents for each of us, in the scopes in which we operate as members of the Teixidó Group.
The values on which this Code is based are those the company considers essential in order for its activity to be developed appropriately, outwardly projecting an image that corresponds to its identity.
Integrity - Excellence - Respect - Trust - Flexibility
The Code of Ethics outlines aspects related to our organisation’s employees, our environment, people and our businesses.
It offers a practical guide that allows us to question the exactitude of our actions and decisions at work.
• Am I being ethical?
• Does my decision contradict the Code?
• Could my decision affect other people in the Group?
• Am I subjectively interpreting the Code?
• Could my action be considered contrary to the contents of the Code?
INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ, S.A.U. is an auxiliary company of the metallurgy industry dedicated to the mass production of parts for third parties, located at the entrance to the town of Riudecols.
The products that it manufactures are mainly components for different sets of industrial activities in the automotive, computing, electrical appliance, pneumatics, hydraulics and implantology sectors, among others, resulting from a high-precision machine and turning process.
INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ, S.A.U. is strongly committed to providing the maximum resources and having in place the means necessary to research and subsequently apply new technologies, guarantee correct development via Quality Management, Occupational Hazard Prevention and Environment systems, and promote continuous improvement in all processes necessary for the manufacture of its products.
The level of staff training is a key factor to successfully addressing company operations. For this reason, the company collaborates with diverse training centres that provide opportunities for training and specialised labour while our experience in the industry is also offered to complete the education and training of students undertaking internships.
The aim of continuing training is to acquire, become aware of and expand on capacities in order to tackle the new technical and market needs that emerge, as well as comply with all applicable legal requirements.
All staff members at the company are involved in the commitment to prevent and avoid contamination in addition to the commitment to preserve natural resources and protect the surrounding environment. This involvement is the result of openly providing information on relevant environmental issues associated with our workplaces in order to consequently ensure that we can all go about our activity comfortably, safely and respectfully.
INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ, S.A.U. raises awareness among interest groups involved directly or indirectly by considering the needs that may be generated with regard to development of our activity.
The company has a close relationship with the citizens of Riudecols and the town’s Local Government.
This policy constitutes the basis for establishing the environmental goals and aims of the organisation, and it is also the tool used to promote continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System.
The Environmental Policy of INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ, S.A.U. is communicated to all of the organisation’s collaborators.

In August 2012, the Federal Agency responsible for supervising financial markets in the USA (the SEC) published implementing regulations from Section 1502 of the “Dodd-Frank Wall Street and Consumer Protection Act” in relation to the use of “conflict mineral”.
The four conflict minerals are gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten, which are associated with the regional financial violence and the civil war that persist in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighbouring countries where income from minerals can directly or indirectly fund armed groups that participate in civil wars, causing serious social and environmental problems.
INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ, S.A.U., as a manufacturer of components designed for the automotive, pneumatics, electronics, valve, computing and small and large electrical appliance sectors, is committed to complying with Section 1502 and it promotes the traceability of conflict minerals in addition to transparency in the supply chain.
To manufacture our products, we use an extensive range of raw materials, including easy-to-machine steels, special steels, stainless steels, brass, aluminium and bronze. In the case of materials that contain conflict minerals and which are necessary for the manufacture of our products, we are committed to being provided with materials and supplies from companies that share our ethical values and integrity with regard to human rights and environmental responsibility.
INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ, S.A.U. works to implement global efforts in sustainability and corporate responsibility with the aim of achieving a supply chain free of conflict minerals.
Company management undertakes to implement and maintain an OCCUPATIONAL HAZARD PREVENTION SYSTEM in accordance with OSHAS Standard 18001:2007 and the Equal Opportunities for Women and Men Act 3/2007, which entails:
* Being governed by the principle of continuous improvement in management of Occupational Hazard Prevention and in commitment to complying with current legislation and other requirements to which we voluntarily submit.
In order to guarantee application of these points, company management has established the following principles of action:
1. Development of a training and information programme suited to company needs, promoting awareness and responsibility in matters of OCCUPATIONAL HAZARD PREVENTION.
2. Adoption of PREVENTION measures and control of tasks that have an impact on the HEALTH and SAFETY of workers.
3. Creation of an attitude that motivates employees to minimise existing risks at the company and in different job posts.
4. Minimise accidents and incidents by investigating any that do occur and applying prevention and control measures.
The company is committed to analysing the situation and adopting suitable measures in a bid to fulfil the principle of equal opportunities between men and women in recruitment, selection, professional category, promotion, training, remuneration, reconciliation of personal, family and work life, prevention of sexual harassment, and healthy and safe working conditions, respecting criteria of equality at all times.
Management makes this POLICY available to all workers, establishing its aims in OCCUPATIONAL HAZARD PREVENTION, while General Management has appointed an OCCUPATIONAL HAZARD PREVENTION Manager and Coordinator who is responsible for management in this area, ensuring the requirements of the aforementioned standards are observed at all times.
Industrias Teixidó, S.A.U., with the objective of achieving the highest levels in occupational health and safety at the company and reducing the occupational traffic accident rate, makes the following
Declaration of Commitment:
As management at Industrias Teixidó, S.A.U. is aware of the importance of occupational traffic accidents in relation to human, social and economic cost, it undertakes to try to prevent or minimise their consequences by promoting safe conduct and complying with current legislation, involving all hierarchical levels at the company in developing the Road Safety Plan and striving for continuous improvement in its implementation process.
As Managing Director, I undertake to continuously galvanise the Road Safety Plan of Industrias Teixidó, S.A.U. and I request that all collaborators be actively involved and organised to ensure its consolidation in our company.
In Riudecols on 12 January 2015
Signed: Fernando Teixidó Pont
Managing Director of Industrias Teixidó, S.A.U.
The terms set forth below are the only conditions that will govern our purchase terms, provided there is no other written agreement to the contrary.
1. Quality standards and plans, if any, shall be attached to the order. Otherwise, whatever has been agreed to shall apply.
2. By accepting this order, the Supplier guarantees to INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ, S.A.U., that the products to be supplied are neither, nor have been, produced by infringing third party patents of manufacturing licenses.
3. In the absence of an agreement providing otherwise and accepted in writing by INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ, S.A.U., any and all molds, dies and tools used for the supplies by the seller which are either be provided by the purchaser, paid by the latter, or included in the cost sheet, shall be the exclusive property of the purchaser.
4. Electrical materials and those that must comply with technical characteristics specified by current applicable laws, shall be supplied in compliance with, and be subject to the required guarantees. The Supplier shall therefore assume any responsibility that may apply.
5. When supplying products, oils, chemical products and the like, which are or may contain components that are either hazardous or toxic, or that may negatively impact the environment, pursuant to current laws, the Supplier shall notify this circumstance in writing, and shall furthermore provide as much information as possible.
6. We do not accept supplies that are either below or above the ordered quantity by more than 10 per cent. We shall only accept the quantitative determination of units and weights as measured by our Control Service upon receipt of the goods.
7. A delivery note shall accompany each supply and shall specify the order number, the item code, the description, the unit price and discount (if applicable), the Supplier number, and whether that is a partial or full delivery
8. Invoices shall be sent in duplicate to the following address: facturas@iteixido.com. In addition to the usual information, they shall indicate: the order number, the item code, the description, the unit price and discount (if applicable), the Supplier number, and whether that is a partial or full delivery.
9. Payment Terms: These shall comply at all times with current laws.
10. The Supplier shall be responsible for the goods until these are received at our warehouse, even if insurance and freight charges are paid by us.
11. The mere fact that the goods have been delivered at our warehouse does not imply the acceptance of the merchandise, since incorrect materials can be rejected both upon receipt thereof and at any subsequent time, within one year, in the event there should be hidden defects or flaws, or up to the time said goods are used, even if the relevant invoices have already been paid. Differences in quantities and non-hidden flaws may be reported within a reasonable time period. Should the merchandise be rejected, its immediate replacement may be demanded, a new delivery term may be set or the order may be cancelled.
12. If no price has been set on any order, the Supplier agrees to charge the lowest possible price available in the marketplace.
13. The acceptance of any order shall imply the agreement and acceptance of our General Purchase Conditions by the Supplier, even if otherwise specified in the Supplier’s General Sale Conditions.
14. Any order shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Supplier after eight days, according to our General Purchase Conditions, even in the absence of the Supplier’s written acceptance.
15. The Supplier waives his/her own jurisdiction and venue and submits to those of this Company.
16. The Supplier agrees to fulfill the information requests made by our Company.
17. The Supplier undertakes to provide immediate information to our Company about any incident that may occur during the contracted work.
18. Should any non-compliance be detected in the product during the processing phase, the Supplier undertakes to inform INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ.
19. The Supplier agrees to notify INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ of the changes, if any, in the definition of the product and/or process, in order to obtain our approval.
20. When requested, access to facilities shall be granted (to us, our clients and aviation industry, space and/or defense authorities) to the parties involved in the creation of the product, to ensure that the purchased product or the subcontracted process complies with the specified requirements.
21. The Supplier agrees to grant access to INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ, S.A.U., when requested, to all records involving the product and shall preserve them for at least ten (10) years.
22. The Supplier agrees to clarify to his subcontractors any applicable requirement set forth in the purchase documents, including key characteristics, when needed.
23. INDUSTRIAS TEIXIDÓ and its clients, when necessary, shall need to approve processes requiring validation (special processes), and these will need to be approved and/or certified by our clients.
24. The applied processes, methods, equipment, staff qualification, and packaging conditions shall need to be approved, when necessary.
25. The Supplier agrees to attach factual proof regarding the quality of the product, such as a certificate of compliance, dimension check sheet, statistics records, process control, etc., when requested.
26. The Supplier agrees to facilitate inspection and audits at his/her premises, when requested on the purchase document.
27. The Supplier undertakes to attach current certificates in his/her possession on ISO 9001, EN 9100, IATF 16949, ISO 14001 or other Standards to these supply terms.
28. The Supplier agrees to contribute to the safety and compliance of the product/process/service, to prevent the use of counterfeited parts or products, and to promote awareness on the importance of ethical behavior.